Why should I sell at auction?

Sellers have many benefits when it comes to selling at auction. When you choose Real Auction you can benefit from the services of our expert property team, auctioneers, and extensive buyer network.

  • High price: When you sell at auction there is an opportunity to sell your property at a higher price than through transitional means. The competitiveness of auctions often means that emotions come into play on auction day and buyers bid beyond expectations. You may also decide to set a guide price above market value.

  • Exposure: When you sell at auction your home or other property has maximum exposure. We market your property through our online outlets and newsletters. Higher exposure means more potential buyers, and more potential buyers means higher competition.

  • A reliable process: Unlike when you sell through an agent our process is completely reliable with no hidden surprises. For example, gazumping is impossible when selling at auction.

  • A fast process: Auction is the fastest method to sell. Turnaround time is fast and efficient as a result of strict completion deadlines and policies that we have in place.